“As I simplify, i find ease” - unknown

Restorative Yoga Practices

Why Restorative Yoga?
Because who needs another vinyasa flow? Because we are a society and culture of the “go-go-go” mentality. Because the idea that we need to be constantly at work or at motion to be considered productive is a deficit to our PIES. Physical practices do not always need to be highly physical to be beneficial. In restorative yoga, we give ourselves permission to do nothing. We rest. We connect with the Earth and allow her to support us fully. 
As restorative yoga is a slower sequence, it provides us the opportunity and space to slow down and witness our transitions, and translates to the opportunity for us to see how we move through our life transitions with an open mind and from a grounded place. 
Who is Restorative Yoga for?
Anyone! Come to practice with an open mind. This time is designed to offer rest, find ease in the body, and to renew energy.